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     The work experience that I have would be my first actual job which was at Little Caesars. The reason that I had gotten involved with this job was because it was something that would keep me busy, as well as not just staying home and actually making money to be able to help out. As well as get the things that I wanted without having to ask my mom. Some of the challenges that I had faced during this time was balancing a job with school. When I had be began working it was a hard adjustment. I had began slipping in school and came to a reality that I either learn how to balance both or I would have to quit. After a few months I had gotten the hang of it and realize just working weekends was the best bet for me. Another challenge that I had faced was making sure that I was learning everything and working with others and even if I did not want to pick up someone's slack. I still did because no matter who did it it had to be done. That had to be the hardest challenge that I did face because that was a major growing experience where I had to not think was my feelings but with my head. I had used to become so angered at the people who would just slack off and not do much at work ,but during my experience I knew I had to always be professional and it was not only their job but my job too. It had shown me that sometimes people just need a little help and willingly as a good coworker instead of complaining I should offer or just do it on my own without a word. The highlights that had came with this job was being able to have my boss trust in me after just a few months working there I was able to show off my skills and my ability to go above and beyond what was asked. What I personally gained from work would be knowing how to manage a store in a way since my boss would leave me in charge. Being able to manage a store by myself and just a little help was difficult in the beginning I would panic and overthink a lot. As time had passed I had became more trustworthy to myself and did not question the decisions I had made but simply went with my gut and thought what would my boss have done. Something that I had also gained was communicating in a professional manner because I would have to speak to the main boss the owner of the store as well as customers who were either happy or even upset. During these times I presented myself as much older and mature than my actual age. Other things that I had gained was being able to manage money a little better because I knew every time I had received a check I had to put money to the side to be able to help pay bills as well as being able to stay calm and not let things out of control. At Little Caesars things had tended to get a little crazy around rush time and being the one in charge I had to be ready and prepared for anything. Working at Little Caesars was a great learning and growing experience that I had came across in my life. Becoming more mature as well as more patient and understanding.

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